Welcome to Prosper. My name is Monica, and I am the Convener of the Prostate Cancer Support group in Darwin, Northern Territory Australia.
My Dad was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in June of 2020 and through his journey I have been proactive in advocating Prostate Cancer awareness within the workplace and the community.
After leaving Western Australia, after Dad had a successful prostatectomy, I joined the Prosper support group, to keep myself informed and learn more about what others have to go through while living with Prostate Cancer.
Our convener at the time was the wonderful community orientated gentleman Mr Don Lockley and after his decision to step down from the role, we were at risk of possibly disbanding the support group.
I had received great benefit through attending the monthly meetings and would be disheartened if we decided to disband, hence I chose to step into the role with the support of the members and do my best to keep things going, as the value is immeasurable to individuals, family members and carers.
After some discussion with members, it was suggested that we look at creating an online presence so that those that can't attend meetings can have access to the information shared in the group (excluding personal accounts).
Instead of looking at the social media aspect I decided it maybe more beneficial to create a website as there are many different social media platforms. As this is my first attempt at doing so, I'd appreciate any feedback you have regarding what is good or not and what content you would like to see on this website. Feel free to send an email through and I'll see what we can accommodate. prosperdarwin@outlook.com
Please remember this is not a professional page and is intended as a means to communicate with the wider community and offer support. We are part of the wider Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia network and if you seek professional advice, we recommend you contact them directly on 1800 22 00 99 or go to the 'Useful Links' page and click on their logo and you will be directed to their website.
I'll do my best to keep information and links up to date in a timely manner to ensure we are offering the most correct information. Again, while I appreciate constructive criticism, I don't appreciate abuse. So please treat all communications in a respectful manner and I will respond as soon as reasonably practicable.
Once again thank you for joining us in the Prosper Support Group, together we hope to navigate the journey of living with Prostate Cancer one step at a time in the best way possible
Monica Berryman - Mindil Beach, Darwin NT