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Prosper - A support group can help you to know the right questions to ask - it's your life!

Prosper was formed in 1998 thanks to the late Keith Williams whose efforts to find a local support group for men impacted by prostate cancer in Darwin were fruitless.


With the support from both the Department of Veteran Affairs and the Vietnam Veterans’ Counselling Services, during the early days, Prosper has made it to where it is today.


The Prosper group was named so, thanks to the reason the group was created: Pros(tate Cancer) and because we are all per(sons) impacted by this disease and together we are prospering.


In Person

We meet on the second Monday monthly (excluding January and any Monday falling on a public holiday) at 7:30pm in the Harbour Room, Christ Church Cathedral, Smith Street, Darwin.

We are very keen to see other men, family members and carers with prostate problems, so join us and stop doing it 'solo'.

Via Email

Using the contact form below or by direct email


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At meetings, you will be free to discuss symptoms or other information, but only if you wish, as we seek to learn from each other’s experiences.  We strive to have the freedom to discuss our personal issues in a confidential setting i.e., what’s discussed, stays within the group. 


Any information disclosed to the group through discussions and or presentations using written or spoken word or visual aids are for information and interest only and do not in any way replace the services or advice of professional medical practitioners.


This website is also for information only and does not give out medical advice. It's intended as a guide only, sharing information and services that may be useful for those living in the Northern Territory by providing sources of information pertaining to Prostate Cancer and services available in Australia.

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